Oh, England. (Part 3)

Last few days in London, I spent my seventh day at Madame Tussauds, Oxford Street & dinner with the cousins. I was too lazy to dress up so I ended up dressing slightly hobo-ish...(sigh)

Took pictures with famous people from all around the world because I'm total BFFs with all of them (HAH I WISH)
Had some fun in Madame Tussauds, wax statues are really cool, they look so real!

(Cardigan : H&M / Dress : H&M / Shoes : H&M / Sling Bag : Topshop)
yes, I do realise half my closet is H&M...

The legit Madame Tussaud's certificates 

First wax statue EVER made.

The amount of work put into making one wax statue man...I wouldn't do it hahaha! 

They had some ride in the museum that kinda visualised the history of London, not bad I guess. 

Went for the Superhero 4D thing in the museum too, it was pretty interesting 

FUN FACT : Did you know that Madame Tussaud actually collected decapitated prisoner's head to practice making wax figures/death mask...that's how it all started, creepy as hell but now her museum is everywhere! 

Headed to Oxford Street after to shop for a bit. I didn't really get to shop much because we were in a rush to meet my cousins for dinner.

Apparently one of the famous pubs around that area and they serve THE FINEST FISH CHIPS, or so they say...

Okay fine, the food was pretty good, had a decent classic English meal. The pub is really small & cramp tho, not really kid or family friendly, we had to squeeze in to dine in and that was kinda the downside.

They're adorable as hell! Meet Holly & Matthew, me cutie piesssss 

Grandma's birthday celebration in our cosy apartment after dinner.

Items I got for the day : 

 Got this really nice green pencil skirt from Pull & Bear, Oxford Street.

The next day, we headed to St Pauls, Oxford Street, Piccadilly Circus and sat on a cruise around River Thames.

Crumpets & fruits for breakfast.

(Top : H&M / Skorts : H&M / Bag : Micheal Kors / Sandals : Vincci)

St Paul is a cathedral where the long line of royalties have been having their weddings at. The architecture of the building is beautiful and so detailed. I didn't really go in for a look because entrance fee was required and I was in a rush. I had a little peek inside and I swear the cathedral is down right beautiful. 

One New Change is a mall located just opposite St Paul Cathedral. It has retail outlets & good restaurants located in it. Gordon Ramsey & Jamie Oliver have restaurants in there. We had a hard time deciding but in the end we headed to Bread Street (Gordon Ramsey's restaurant) for lunch. 

I love the ambiance! Food was not bad, didn't get to try his most famous Wellington Beef tho. I'm so bummed out by the fact that I honestly didn't know it was his world famous dish, I feel so dumb...I don't keep track man sigh. His other dishes were good too, had a sense of uniqueness to it. I enjoyed my meal hehe. 

After lunch we headed to Piccadilly Circus. The street after Oxford St, it has nice retail outlets to shop at too but less crowded compared to Oxford St. 

I came to Piccadilly Circus to look for Hollister and A&F, managed to find them but I didn't really find anything interesting to buy. It was mainly mens wear, ladies wear lacked variety so I didn't actually get to shop there. Even though I didn't get to shop there, being in the shop felt so euphoric. I love the music they play, smell of the shop and the vibe the store gives out makes me wanna live there! 

I totally did not go to A&F just for this...

Headed to Embankment Pier to board our boat for the river cruise and high tea after.

secretly loved tho a nuisance 

River cruise selfies 
says the bimbo

The Bateaux river cruise has lunch, high tea, dinner etc. packages. We went for it and got to cruise around River Thames while enjoying high tea. The view was amazing, got to see most of the attractions while enjoying good tea.

The food was amazing! Loved the scones the most, couldn't get enough of it. 

Took some pictures on the viewing deck, loved the view. 

The river cruise lasted about an hour. It was definitely a good experience. We headed to Oxford Street again after the river cruise to continue shopping.

Found Lush and got myself this (yum)

The next day, I was lucky enough to get a chance to meet up with me love and we had a date in London! (CLICK HERE TO BE REDIRECTED TO "A DATE IN LONDON")

Meanwhile, my family went around London. 

Buckingham Palace, coincidentally was there when they had the exchange of palace guards parade.
(imagine having a parade every time you switch shift...)

Trafalgar Square, exploring. 

Tower Bridge & London Tower

Pictures are slightly blur because I took the SLR oooppssss...

Last day in London, no pictures at all because we literally got up early and went to Primark @ Oxford Street in our sweats and tees to do all our last minute shopping. Items sold in Primark are dirt cheap, bought quite a lot from there. Nothing fancy, just some necessities. 

The things there were so cheap, should have went there from the start :( only bought a few necessities, nothing fancy (sigh). The fitting room queues were too long, I gave up :( bought most of my souvenirs from Primark too, it looked good + was dirt cheap hehe. 

After rushing and going around for last minute shopping, we headed back to our apartment to pack and left for the airport. Flew home in the evening and that marked the end of my amazing trip to UK. I realised I could have done so much more interesting things like watch plays and so on but it was my first time there so I guess I was still new to the place and getting around. The next time I head back there, I'm definitely going to stay as far away from tourist attractions as possible and explore UK the British way ;) 
