Oh, England. (Part 2)

Fourth day in UK and so far loving it. Spent my morning exploring Bristol. We explored the Bristol Harbourside & Nelson Street (aka See No Evil Art Street).

There are so many cool murals & graffiti on buildings & walls of Nelson Street. 
These were all painted by street artists from all over the world during the largest street art festival held  in Europe. The event is held annually/every two years (if I'm not mistaken), therefore paintings are often repainted and renewed. 

Had Dutch pancakes from a little stall by the Bristol Harbourside. Tasted so good! 

 I decided to dress up like a local school girl, worked pretty well :p

(Jacked : Vintage / Top : H&M / Skirt : Forever21 / Shoes : Agape Boutique) 

Had lunch with my dad's friends from Bristol again. 
We ate at The Stable by the Bristol Harbourside and the pizzas were amazing! 
Thin crusted and unusual flavours, definitely taste great! 

Picture I snapped of St. Mary of Redcliff cathedral before I left Bristol.

We left Bristol and headed to Oxford. It's about an hour & 45 minutes drive away, slept in the car so I didn't have to feel the draggy-ness of the trip. I realised how much time my family & I wasted travelling from town to town but I guess that's what travelling is...hmm touché  

The first destination we rushed to when we reached Oxford was Bicester Village. An outlet mall filled with designer brands. 

Amorino Gelato Di Qualitá E Tradizione 
Gelato in the cutest floral form on a cone! 
You can mix flavours for your floral gelato but I decided to only choose Strawberry Sorbet & Vanilla.
The combination was good but the vanilla gelato was especially good!  

The splurge we did at Bicester Village : 

Loving the shape of the Furla my mom got! 
Sharing is very much caring ;) 

Oh the pain of spending so much of my own money...
I couldn't resist the Michael Kors :( It was the shape of my dream bag and it came in so many colours but I decided to go with pink since black was too classic for me, white would get dirty easily & the other colours were similar to either on bags I already owned or ugly.

Dinner at the hotel's diner. Food was okay, nothing extraordinary but we were tired and hungry, it was 10 so it did well in filling us up. 

The next morning we headed back to Bicester Village to do our tax refunds. 

Breakfast at Pret A Manger in Bicester Village
It's a really cute cafe with really good fresh packed food.
It's convenient, healthy & delicious! Plus, it has chain all around the country! Something like MCD but healthy.

Father's day spend in UK with my BAE (^_^) 

Tried crepes from Bicester Village, best shit ever! 

Damien enjoying the goods


(Top : Burnt Velvet (@burnt_velvet on Instagram) / Skirt : Cotton On / Bag : Coach / Shoes : Agape Boutique)

After Bicester Village, we drove to Oxford town itself which took about an half an hour. 

Oxford town and its beautiful old architecture. The 1st College of Oxford dated back to 1263 ..O^O
The university's campuses are spread out around town and if I were a student, I'd be so confused...

Damien decided to pose with an ice-cream along the way...

Itsu, a Japanese fusion restaurant that sells packed food. 
We had to head there to buy packed food because we had to rush to Heathrow to return the car and head to London. 
Food wasn't too bad, I guess a few days of the same old English food over & over can get pretty tiring...rice suddenly tasted so good...

We took an hour from Oxford to Heathrow to return our car and took a taxi from Heathrow to London. All in all we spent around 3 hours to reach London. Our initial plan was to stay in Marlin Apartments on Queen Street but when we reached, they told us they sent us emails saying that they had some leak in the building and transferred guests to another branch 10 minutes away. The hassle of getting another taxi to the other Marlin Apartment on Commercial Road took another hour because the taxi couldn't fit 6 of us and our luggages. So basically, we took at least 4 hours + before we actually got to check in. 

Loving the cute service apartment we got! 
It's bigger than the one we booked on Queen Street so I guess the hassle was worth it.

We had dinner in Qasida, Turkish dining. First time trying Turkish food and it was delicious! SO GOOD! 

Of Briyani Rice & Kebabs
It was seriously so good! Do they even have Turkish food in KL? ((LET ME KNOW IF YOU KNOW ANY)) 

Things I got from Oxford & round 2 in Bicester Village : 

Since I will never make it to Oxford University, I went...to the OFFICIAL CAMPUS STORE and got these...*cue laughter* 
Loving my Oxford hoodie, I really like the colour! Raglan Oxford tees for Sheng Wei & I...total 'jakun' and gay idiots :p

P.S. (for those who don't know what JAKUN means, it's sorta like fussing over something that you think is cool (?) like going overboard in showing it's cool when it's not really...that...cool...) 
I tried...

Jack Wills phone case from Bicester Village round 2

Since we're currently living in a service apartment and Tesco was just down the road, we get to cook and prepare our own breakfast instead of eating the usual English breakfast that I think we can all agree that we're getting slightly bored of.

waffles & pancakes we got from Tesco, we just had to heat it up and add the fruits!
Fruits here are so cheap compared to Malaysia. Grocery shopping is a breeze too as the variety is mind blowing!

I saw this on the way to the Tube Station (underground train station)

Tube ticket
I'm still under the kids category because I'm still under the age of 16.
Around 3.6 pounds for a kids daily ticket (you have to buy as and when you need it because they don't have a touch & go sorta card for kids, only adults) 

Oyster Card
(touch & go card for public transportation in London)
My parents got the 7 days pass, 31.5 pounds for this and a 5 pound deposit this card.

Took the Tube to our first stop - Westminster (Where London Eye& Big Ben are)

The tourist attractions were full as hell but I still enjoyed sightseeing.

Just a little extra info about London, it's best to look out for gypsies and con artist when you're on the streets. Not just this particular part, they're everywhere! You basically have to be real careful when you're in the streets of London, make sure your bags are where you can see and hold them. I was walking on the streets and taking pictures of the London Eye and suddenly this old lady just came over and put a paper flower in my hand and I honestly thought it was an act of kindness but she started asking for donations..."FOR THE HOMELESS CHILDREN" she said...and I started panicking a little because she was literally not letting me go until I gave her money. I asked her how much she wanted me to "donate" and she said any amount at all but people usually give notes (hinting I should give like big notes). It obviously felt like a scam or else why wouldn't she let me go and just return the paper flower...In the end, I told her I was in a rush and just placed like a pound in her hand and ran off...

I really hate the fact that people use the less fortunate as an excuse to scam people. People on the streets nowadays are so smart and it's honestly really hard to differentiate the fake ones and the real needy ones. In my opinion, if you're up for charity, donate to certified homes instead of those on the streets. That way, at least you know your money is being used for the good and not the greedy. 

Had MCD by River Thames while waiting for Damien to take pictures with his much adored London Eye.
The variety of sauces they have are so amazing! 

After we explored Westminster, we took the Tube and headed to South Kensington for the Natural History Museum. 

 The Natural History Museum is one of the world's best museum and the best part is that admission is free! They also have the Natural Science Museum beside it. Free admission as well! 

Damien posing with Coco (his soft toy dog) while waiting for our parents

After the museum, we walked down the street for lunch & Harrods! 

Had lunch at a Chinese restaurant nearby because we were honestly bored of English food...Chinese food has never tasted so good to me.

Me just totally posing in the corner of the restaurant, thank god there was no one...
(Bodycon : Tobi / Bracelet : Forever21 / Shoes : Agape Boutique) 

Harrods after lunch!


I can honestly say that once you reach Harrods, JUST GO STRAIGHT FOR THE FOOD HALL!
It's amazing, from gourmet to flavours from all over the world. I didn't get to try everything but by the looks of it, I DIED. 

Just eating...

Found a small shrine for Lady Diana & Dodi on the lower ground floor.

 It's sad how their lives ended...it was so unnecessary. All because of "worthy news" from the paparazzi. 

Dinner was basically TV meals (microwavable packed meals) we got from Sainsbury & Waitrose. We were too lazy to go out so meals were all fast & easy for the night. 

