Sri KDU's Paramount Championship 2014

Last week was my school's annual talent competition finals. I got into finals for duet singing & modern dance.

Duet singing with Yee Jun, we sang Valerie and since it was his last year we decided to go all out to embarrass ourselves. Had one or two practices and we went on stage and practically winged it. I had fun being stupid on stage but vocal wise, it was pretty screwed up hahah! No video for this one :p 

Modern dance with the crew - CONCEPT was amazing! 

No medal for duet singing but proud af for modern dance! 3 days of last minute choreographing by Arya & practice and we managed to place second. Gold medalist went to the other team from my class, beyond happy for both teams in general. 

Here's our modern dance prelims video. I don't have the clear version of the finals video but stay tuned as we performed for the Legacy Annual Dance Concert by UCSI University the day after and the video they taped should be up anytime soon. I'll write about it as soon as possible! Meanwhile, enjoy! x

Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis 

Photography by : Mr Pang

Videography by : Imran Nadzmi 
