2014 Lunar New Year

Cheers to another Lunar New Year! It's the time of the year where people like me have an excuse to binge eat and also the time of the year for me to get slightly richer by collecting 'ang paos' (red packets filled with money in them). 

I have to admit that the CNY's (Chinese New Year) I've experienced when I was younger were much more festive and I can't deny that it's getting more and more boring each year. Maybe it's just that the older we get, the less festive it is to us because we don't do much during this time of the year anymore. Well, at least I don't. 

Basically, I spent the first day of my CNY at home, bonding with the family and so. Second day was spend at my grandparents' place in Klang. Some part of me still wished she stayed in Penang so that every CNY I would at least get to travel, but hey, her being so close to us isn't a bad thing either. Headed to the temple because y'know, grandparents...

With the family :)

Outerwear : Fox-Out / Top : Cotton On / Skirt : H&M / Shoes : Agape Boutique 

On the road snack, Malaysian mochi for life! 

The next day, I had my annual CNY open house. Had friends & family from all over come visit us and we also catered some food for the guests too. 

 With the best bunch of friends & family! 

Was a great day indeed. 

Dress : Fox-Out 

My CNY wasn't as festive as others but it was definitely memorable.  
