A Brand New Year

2014 has finally come, it started off pretty well for me I guess. I spent the eve at Desa Park City with a bunch of good company, good music & delicious street food. DPC didn't sound like a good plan for the eve to me when my friends planned to go there but always expect the unexpected I guess. They had quite a big stage set up, beautiful waterfront & street food stalls set up all over the concourse! I had a pretty amazing time while waiting for the new year to kick in. I have to admit that I wasn't crazy pumped up for the whole eve party and all that but once the clocked stroked 12, the fun had finally begun. The crowd lessen but was filled with lively people dancing while the DJ played some tracks, that was pretty fun! Dancing with good company was definitely fun. After that, we headed over to a nearby mamak to have supper and later on headed back.

The morning after was hectic! I had to rush for a hair catalogue shoot after staying up almost the whole night :( I was crazy exhausted man but not gonna deny that I didn't have fun dressing up for the shoot.

With the hairstylist, Jojo! 

We did 9 different hairdos for De Vouge Studio's 2014 hairdo catalogue and it lasted from 12pm to 7pm…Glad I got the opportunity because I had so much fun! 

Well, school started today and I'm so glad we got to pick our own classes. Finally got a chance to be in the same class with all (well, majority) my girls after 3 years! Have a good year ahead guys! Once again, it's gonna be hectic.

Photo credits to : mom
