Merry Christmas!

I'd like to start of by wishing everyone Merry Christmas (even though it's already boxing day) & a happy new year! I spent my Christmas a little out of the ordinary because my family doesn't really celebrate Christmas as much as I wish we did.

Damien being all hipster & Christmassy ~

 Headed over to The Curve for lunch & furniture browsing in Ikea. Way to spend Christmas looking for furniture…sigh.

We had lunch at Morganfield, The Curve. Christmas lunch feast! Look at all the good food! 

Chilly Cheese Nachos

Pork Ribs

Pork Burger

Baked Cheese Bacon Potato Skin (FAV FAV FAV) 

Roast Chicken 

Lunch was definitely good. They just opened at The Curve, their first branch was in Pavilion. I've been there a few times for birthdays and other celebrations. Never say no to a feast there unless you know some place else better :p 

Hat : Aeon / Blouse : H&M / Shorts : Kitschen / Bag : My Vivid Dress Room / Shoes : Agape Boutique 

Christmas deco is all we got for pictures so we made full use of it. Spent the day with my family and it was a nice bonding session even though we didn't do anything festive. 

Babycino at Dome after a long day

After we headed home in the evening, we had a Christmas party to attend at my aunts place. 

Dinner made by aunt & her family

After dinner, it was time to exchange presents! I was pretty excited because truth be told, I have never celebrated Christmas the way it's supposed to be nor have I actually had presents under my tiny Christmas tree…sad, I know. 

Damien was so excited & happy when he got not one, but two presents! He got his favourite Lego toys and he couldn't stop smiling cheekily :p

Now, I was pretty surprised I received presents because I thought it was only for little kids…but no, everyone had 2 gifts each! Honestly quite happy I got presents, I've always wanted to know how people celebrated Christmas and how the present exchanging works.

Got 2 presents! Red one's from my grand aunt while the Bustier Rhymes package was from my aunt. 

Chocolate & a cropped bustier top (yay!) 

Mom got santa chocolates

Damien & I with our gifts 

Christmas turned out okay I guess, really hope that next year, we can manage to have something festive all planned out. This year was a good start, the only thing missing was being able to spend Christmas with my baby. Sheng Wei's away in Japan, spending a white Christmas with his family. The new year is in a few days time, are you guys ready for 2014 to start? Time to head back to school and for once I'm actually excited!

from Sheng Wei 

Photo credits to : whoever behind the camera
